Stories changed to history

It's never about the event. It is always about the emotion and the story we attach to that emotion.

art by BGSstudios888


As women we often live outside of ourselves simply because being inside makes us feel like we will explode at any minute.


We need to stand up, but to do that we have to know who we are.


I hear from women all the time about outrage, misogyny, childhood trauma, being silenced, objectified and more.

Art by Placid Place

Caught Between

Women are often caught in between:

  • family and career
  • generations
  • expectations and wants/needs
  • silence or being called pushy, angry, nasty

Finding our way out is a journey. It involves awareness, asking truthful questions, learning new skills .


Heart Centered

When we are far enough on our journey we find ourselves in our heart. The center of joy, the place where "Yes, I can do that." or "No, that is not right for me." becomes a matter of discernment and choice. It is no longer a place of fear or guilt.


When we take an active role in finding out who we are,  we find what we actually want and need. Life becomes a series of moments where we live in each one. We are able to find the joy, or the lesson, in each precious present experience. We can feel gratitude rather than outrage. We have voices.

There is always a path through where we are to where we want to be. 

The tools we need are skills we can learn. All we need is a guide.

Some of the outcomes are self-trust, the ability to receive, the ability to give without expectation, awareness, proper timing for us, stronger relationships and knowing if one should fade into history.


We need to take small steps. Big steps are unrealistic expectations. We need to learn to forgive ourselves. With trauma, we need to understand in our body and brain that we survived. 


I serve women who are ready to get rid of rage and deal with the outrage. Women who are ready to move past the side effects of living in a male dominated world. If's that's you, or someone you know,                                                                                          schedule a free 30 minute discovery call.